लिम्वू भाषा श्रीजङ्गा लिपीका प्रवर्तक तेअङसी श्रीजङ्गा उनी लिम्वू भाषा प्रचार प्रसारमा रहदा सिक्किमका डुक्पाहरुले देशद्रोही को नाममा रुखमा बाधी मृत्यु दण्डको सजाय दिइएको थियो । त्यसैले उनी लिम्वूभाषाका पहिला शहिद हुन् । उनको जन्म १७६१ मंसिर २९ - मृत्यु १७९८ फागुन

Janma ra mrityu pani lekhnu bhaye spasta hunthiyo.
Kuun sambat hola hajur ? Hong kong bata prakashit prativa magazine jastai yahan pani miti spasta nahuda thulo kamjoriko mahasush garchhhau. Nogenlo.
धन्यवाद सम्पादक ज्यु तपाईंले आज अन्लाईनको माध्यमा बाट विश्वामा रहेका लिम्बु जातिहरुलाई केहीन केही ज्ञान पस्किरहनु भएको छ । र यसलाई निरन्तरता दिईरहनु होला ।
धन्यवाद !
डि बि लिवाङ लिम्बु
दोह कतार
धन्यवाद सम्पादक ज्यु तपाईंले आज अन्लाईनको माध्यमा बाट विश्वामा रहेका लिम्बु जातिहरुलाई केहीन केही ज्ञान पस्किरहनु भएको छ । र यसलाई निरन्तरता दिईरहनु होला ।
धन्यवाद !
डि बि लिवाङ लिम्बु
दोह कतार
First of all thanks a lot to Admin. for spreading information about our culture, traditional, & news related with our histry hero. who is our ancestor, what was our ancestor, and what was happened. everbody has to know about this. you've done fantastic job.which is absolutely mind blowing, hat's off to you. it has to reach all over the world. this days our people are scatered every where on this planet. because of various reason & problems. so this is fast & good way to reach amongs people. through the internet.. i heartely request to Mr.Admin please keep do'in it. we need more information regarding our limbuwan.....coz even in school book there is nothing mention about this. Thanks...Mabohang Khajum, Dubai, home town:-Jhapa.
First of all thanks a lot to Admin. for spreading information about our culture, traditional, & news related with our histry hero. who is our ancestor, what was our ancestor, and what was happened. everbody has to know about this. you've done fantastic job.which is absolutely mind blowing, hat's off to you. it has to reach all over the world. this days our people are scatered every where on this planet. because of various reason & problems. so this is fast & good way to reach amongs people. through the internet.. i heartely request to Mr.Admin please keep do'in it. we need more information regarding our limbuwan.....coz even in school book there is nothing mention about this. Thanks...Mabohang Khajum, Dubai, home town:-Jhapa.
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